eric mathews
With nearly 30 years of locksmithing and security experience, Eric’s knowledge and hands on, common sense approach will positively impact the overall security of your property. His ability to assess vulnerabilities, recommend solutions, and work within budget constraints can make a difference in your bottom line. Eric’s experience was accelerated post 9/11 securing critical infrastructure. He has been entrusted with Federal and State Buildings, Banks, Schools, Casinos, Large/Small Businesses, Hospitals, and Private Homes.
“I worked as a full-time, full-service locksmith for 18 years. During that time, I often met new customers after they had become victims. Over the years, I began educating my customers to be proactive rather than reactive. For 12 years I’ve run a part time business securing a select few commercial properties. My passion to protect has never waned. My mission is to deter and prevent property crimes.”